Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

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Why a girls' school?

Girls' succeeding in science

Girls' schools provide a focused and nourishing environment for girls to flourish.  In a single sex girls' high school, every girl has the opportunity to have a voice and are able to freely reach their own potential.  Girls' schools are positioned to educate, inspire and nurture girls of today to make them future ready for a modern global world.

Advantages of a girls' school

Academic advantage

Girls are free to pursue academic excellence without competition from boys. Studies have shown that boys take up two-thirds of class time. Girls in girls' schools achieve stronger academic results.

Role models

Girls in an all-girls environment are encouraged to "take the lead".  Student leadership positions are all filled by girls, giving female leaders who are positive role models showing that girls can lead in any field and are given reassurance that they are capable of leading.  Leadership, strength and enterprise has an opportunity to grow and blossom in a girls' environment.

Tailored curriculum and learning opportunities

Teachers are able to cater for girls' specific learning needs and styles.  The teacher's attention is not dominated by boys and is tailored to the needs, interests of students to take positive learning risks.  Girls can ask questions freely and receive individualised attention in a learning environment that is focused, collaborative and engaging.

Counteracting negative influences

Girls only schools focus on the wellbeing needs of girls – challenges of adolescence, self-esteem, body image, and gender bias.  Girls at a girls only school enjoy not only equal opportunity, they enjoy opportunity to actively engage in learning.

Global citizens

Making connections with the outside world and opportunities for females to succeed and be future ready.

Studies into girls' education have shown:

  • greater participation, success and advantage in mathematics courses

  • greater participation, success and advantage science courses, especially physics and chemistry

  • higher achievement academically

  • decrease in gender bias and stereo-typical views

  • more student-teacher interaction

  • that girls who attend a single-sex school are more likely to stay in education

  • students make greater progress than those in co-educational settings

  • girls can express themselves more freely and frequently

  • there is a greater opportunity to develop high order thinking skills

  • single-sex schools help improve achievement – stronger role models, reduced stereo-types, greater classroom interaction and an abundance of leadership opportunities.

As a public comprehensive girls' high school, we at Liverpool Girls provide opportunities for our students to:

  • maximise their learning and academic possibilities and potential

  • maximise their potential to be future ready learners in a responsive global world

  • maximise their social, emotional growth and wellbeing

  • be young women of tomorrow who are well prepared as life-long-learners beyond school who can take their place in society and make a contribution to the world of tomorrow as a confident, aware and well-rounded global citizen.


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