Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

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During Year 9 and 10 dance, students will explore and develop the fundamental skills in Performance, Composition and Appreciation.

In the component of performance, students learn and develop dance skills and technique in a variety of dance styles including, Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Hip hop, traditional and cultural dance. Students are given a variety of opportunities to audition and perform at events such as school showcases, dance festivals and the schools spectacular.

Composition involves creating and composing movement. Students learn about the elements of dance composition and how to utilise these to communicate an idea via movement. Students are Dances are composed as a whole class, in groups and also individually. Appreciation involves the study of the history of dance and specific styles of dance. Students learn how to make informed judgements about dance and have the opportunity to view different dance productions both live and on video.

In Stage 6 Dance, the three core components of Performance, Composition and Appreciation are further explored to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of dance as a collective art form. In Year 12 students continue common study in the three core components areas of as well as choosing one Major option to undertake an in-depth study of dance in Performance, Composition, Appreciation or Dance and Technology. Students studying Dance bring with them a wide range of previous dance experience. Physical training and preparation of the body is fundamental and of paramount importance to the course. Students also develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in the composition process and making critical judgements by analysing major works in socio-historic contexts