Throughout 2017 Liverpool Girls' High School has been reviewing the principles that underpin positive student behaviour. Our new REACH code makes our expectations explicit to ensure that Liverpool Girls' High School is a positive learning community focused on students who strive to succeed.
A positive approach to learning with clear expectations will provide clear guidelines for the school community. Through having clearly articulated expectations, students are able to engage more in their learning in positive ways, gaining success and thriving in a school that has clear purpose and direction.
In 2018 the school will be fully implementing the new approach based on Positive Behaviour for Learning.
At Liverpool Girls High School we co-create high quality learning that empowers young women to thrive and succeed within an inclusive and supportive global community.
Students have varied opportunities to engage in future ready learning programs that builds their skills in collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, citizenship and communication so that they have a love of learning, self-knowledge, a people sense, worldliness, comfort with complexity, the ability to set goals and open minds that consider many possibilities.
Students are inspired to be life-long learners with a passion for learning through active engagement with the wider community.
Teachers are well trained professionals who encourage high expectations providing high quality innovative and differentiated learning ensuring students are future ready.
The wider community works in partnership with the school to provide quality learning opportunities for all students in varied and responsive ways.
The school celebrates and promotes the diversity of an inclusive community where all belong.
We believe …
in providing quality teaching and learning programs that personalise the curriculum to meet individual abilities; and learning needs;
in giving opportunities for involvement, participation, collaboration and co-operation in order to facilitate excellence;
that all students and staff have the right to further their educational experience through co-curricular and professional activities;
everyone has the right to be provided with leadership opportunities and mentoring roles; and
every student can succeed.
We value …
- honesty and integrity;
- a passion for personal growth and life-long learning;
- respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation of each other's culture, ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, religion, beliefs and ability;
- a sense of belonging by being an integral part of the school and wider community;
- creating and maintaining a safe and purposeful learning environment;
- being environmentally aware; and
- personal and collective achievement, encouraging everyone to achieve their personal best.
We expect the school community to ...
- actively embrace the learning opportunities provided through the school curriculum, co-curricular and professional learning activities;
- demonstrate commitment to learning and achieve personal best, striving to become critical thinkers and independent learners;
- responsibly engage in digital literacy and be responsible digital users;
- take pride in and maintain the safety of the learning environment;
- demonstrate active citizenship within the school, local and wider community;
- take responsibility for individual learning behaviours, actions and resulting consequences; and
- respect and accept diversity and differences.
We are committed to ...
- providing excellence in Girls' Education with a focus on individual needs;
- providing staff with the opportunity to demonstrate and enhance their expertise as models of lifelong learning;
- an environment for the school community that is safe, fair and focused;
- encouraging and rewarding personal achievements;
- being an active and responsive learning community; and
- life-long learning for a challenging and ever changing global world.