Liverpool Girls High School

Innovation Excellence Learning

Telephone9602 0083

Subject Selection Time

Students in Years 8 and 10 will be asked over the next few weeks to select their subjects for 2015.  The following activities have been planned to help your daughters make informed choice'.

Wednesday 16 July 2014 - UWS Careers Search visit.  This is for all Year 10 students.

Week 2 - 21/22 July 2014 - Year 10 workshops to talk about the subject selection process and assisting students to understand how to think seriously about what may be the best subject options.  Subject Information booklets will also be issued. These are available to download in pdf below.




Wednesday 30 July 2014 - Subject Selection Parent and Daughter Afternoon.  Displays and teachers will be available to talk about subject choices in the school hall from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm. A good opportunity to talk to the teachers and find about the expectations of each subject area.

Friday 1 August 2014 - Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) representatives will present a series of workshops to students.  There will be opportunities for students to ask questions about subjects and what is expected of them for the various credentials.

Friday 1 August 2014 - The careers adviser will give students an information package which will include:

  • Subject selection prospectus
  • HSC requirement summary
  • HSC BOSTES information to student and their parents
  • TVET course list
  • TVET application form
  • SBAT information - frequently asked questions
  • My Future - how to select subjects
  • Subject Selection Summary page

Tuesday 5 August 2014 - IEP day guiding students on the process that they need to follow.

11 August 2014 - All students should have submitted their choices on line.

18 August 2014 - Subject Selection Review Day - students will be interviewed about their subject choices.