About the Faculty
History is committed to the provision of quality teaching and interactive learning experiences which will enable students to become life long learners and critical thinkers with a developed historical consciousness. Catering for learners of the future we understand that the dynamics of educational change is cyclical and contextual and that our programs and curriculum delivery requires continuous innovation, evaluation and relevance to the modern world.
Languages is committed to a creative, dynamic and inclusive learning environment through focusing on creating excellence in learning partnerships with students widening understanding of language and culture.
- Continuous development and refinement of teaching and learning programs embedding literacy and numeracy strategy as part of regular and focused learning.
- Exploring ways to embed technology into teaching and learning programs to enhance student engagement and learning.
- Develop ways to embed on-line learning in Stage 4 using Chromebooks.
- Revise and refine assessment practice as "Evidence of Learning" through a range of meaningful and realistic assessment methods that focus on assessment for ... as ... of learning.
- Experiment with a variety of student based activities to increase student engagement.
- Cross faculty learning teams to explore ways of innovating learning to engage students purposefully in the study of History and Languages.
- Collaborative planning and workshop activities to address student engagement.
- Collaborative sharing of program and teaching approaches building a collaborative and shared approach across the faculty.
- Using SMART information to embed areas of literacy and numeracy into the teaching and learning programs, where students need more focused development in the context of History and Languages.