About the Faculty
The Mathematics Faculty aims to create and maintain a learning environment that allows young women to achieve their full potential through quality teaching and learning.
We aim to cultivate a learning environment in Mathematics that allows students to be critical and creative thinkers, independent learners and are provided with a varied range of opportunities for life-long-learning.
Students are challenged through enrichment activities, group work, class discussions and research assignments. Students develop an awareness of how mathematics can be used to solve problems in everyday life and appreciate the role it plays in our society.
- Develop learning programs for the new Stage 6 Mathematics syllabus.
- Improve literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students.
- Continue to build skills using technology as a tool for learning.
- Improve assessment procedures to address assessment for ... as ... and of learning.
- Inspire and motivate students in a learning space that will promote independent learning, critical and creative thinking, collaboration and communication.

- Faculty planning and development workshops
- Reflective practice in teaching and learning through ongoing evaluation and action research.
- Use of SMART and RAP data to re-evaluate teaching and learning.
- Use the Elementary Maths Mastery program to improve numeracy skills.
- Using the mathletics program for further engage and support student learning.
- Provide opportunities for students to participate in a range of co-curricular activities such as World of Maths, the Australian Mathematics competition and Maths fun day.
- Encourage the use of BYOD c within the classroom to enhance and assist student learning in a technological rich mathematics environment.